Susana Carvalhinhos

Born in Lisbon in 1981, the city where she currently live and work. Studied in the fields of Comics and Illustration and it was during the very first year of learning in this area that she saw her drawings jump into a comic book edition.
She develop work mainly in illustration but also in comics and ceramics.
Her illustrations have seen the daylight both in Portugal and abroad, and Japan is between the most regular collaborations. Along with other works, she created illustrations for the Lisbon Metropolitan Transit System.
Her artwork has been featured in several collective exhibitions, one of the latest at Museu da Marioneta (Puppet Museum), in Lisbon. Recently she has also made her first solo show ‘’Nova Gramática dos Sentimentos’’ (New Grammar of Feelings).
Illustrations with a coloured charm, yet with a strong contrast are some of the features of Susana work. Feminine, fluid shapes and a bit of stubbornness amongst the characters to tell a story using visual metaphors.

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