Ana Bustelo
Born in the small town of Palencia but was soon whisked away to Madrid where she have been living all her life.
"I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, but I've never knew that this could be my real profession."
Studied Fine Arts in Madrid, where she became engaged in other kind of art projects; but finally came back to drawing, which is what she really love to spend her time doing.
In 2007 Ana doing started professional illustrations for magazines, books and ad agencies. These are some of the companies she have been working with: Austin Monthly, Wellesley Magazine, JetStar (Australia), Good Weekend Magazine, Jekyll&Jill, Impedimenta, Periférica, Errata Naturae, Oxford University Press, Edelvives, Anaya, Ronda Iberia, El Salto, Tapas, Yo Dona, Etiqueta Negra, AD, Ling Magazine, Calle 20, Orsai, DELIBROS, Hoss Intropía, Rolling Stone...