Mariana Santos, known as" Mariana, a miserável" (the miserable one), was born in 1986 in Leiria, Portugal. When she was a small child, her dream was to be a florist but, soon enough, she entered a life of "misery, cesspit and rock'n'roll". One step behind the fall and a marriage of convenience, she sold her heart in a souvenir store to pay the bills. She studied graphic design at Escola Superior de Artes e Design (Caldas da Rainha), where she developped her taste for "not-knowing-how-to-draw". Two years ago she moved to Oporto and is currently taking a Master in Graphic Design and Editorial Projects at FBAUP. Besides studying, she is involved in a number of illustration projects: she is the Director of Illustration at JUP, she takes part in many exhibitions (collective or solo), small publications, collective murals and she oftens design posters for her friends as well as calendars, magazines and books.